Thursday, October 28, 2010

Keep Onorato out

With the election so near I hope you have viewed and listened to the stupid and ridiculous claims made by Dan Onorato. This man may have some smarts but he has not demonstrated them during his tenor as County Executive. The only thing he has ever done is promote himself. He could care less about the average resident and views them as lower level beings. Guess what Dan, you thought wrong! You caused lay offs. I was one of the many you directly caused to lose their job and pension. You brought in your back stabbing people so that you could oversee departments in a gestapo style. It's all about Dan and nothing else. He doesn't care about you, your home, your job, or your family. Get out and vote but not for Dan, Dan the tax'em man. JUST SAY NO TO ONORATO!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Just say no to Onorato!

Dan Onorato is back on his game with tv ads and more lies and exaggerations. He keeps saying what he accomplished as County Executive. Nothing! The County buildings, parks, and services are in desperate need of saving. He has done more damage to this County than all his predessors. Taxes are up, services are down. He layed off hard working knowledeable people to bring in his own "experts" and thus you have another revaluation going on, several deaths from the revamped 911 system, park areas that cannot be used because of no upkeep, and the conditions at the Kane hospitals and services to the needy have been striped to the bone.

Nice job Dan. Now you are asking to be able to do the same for the State of Pennsylvania.

On election day, "Just say no, to Onorato"

Please tell your friends, family, and co-workers as time is growing short.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Now you've done it!

The election has come and gone and history will unfortunately record that Dan Onorato won the Democratic nomination for Pennsylvania's number one spot.
I guess the "...fool some of the people all the time.." really works. How can anyone that reads the paper or listens to a news broadcast have voted for this man? Don't people take their right to vote seriously? Just as he has done nothing for Allegheny County, he will do nothing for the State of PA. Yes he does talk a good game but when the smoke clears, it's nothing but talk.

I keep hearing people say "he kept our property taxes down"! Come on folks, he shook your had while taking from you with his other hand. Think about it. Cost increase is universal and if Dan didn't raise taxes then he massively cut services that all of you are entitled to. You just don't realize it until you need that service or facility and it no longer exists.

Now go ahead and vote him in to wreck the entire State but don't complain when he does!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Liar, liar pants on fire!

It's interesting to watch the half truths being spewed in Onorato's TV commercials. Wouldn't it be great if a "bull shit meter" could be placed on the TV screen. This thing would go crazy over the lies and half truths that Dan puts out over the air ways.

Yes it's Dan's money or at least it's money from people and companies who are aligning themselves with him, naturally in the hope he will more than return their "investment".

Dan makes such a big thing over the unfairness of property assessment. One of the biggest reasons is that politicians such as himself, will not keep their fingers out of the system. The property assessment system should be completely free of political influence but it isn't and that causes the problem. Property assessment is not something that gets addresses every three or four years. It should be a continuous process. Common sense dictates that neighborhoods change and values not only increase but decrease when negative factors influence the home or community.

The Assessors Association has been attempting to get the politics out of assessments for years. Believe it or not, there actually are Counties that really do work hard at keeping politics out of the assessment process. Allegheny County is not one of them. Dan is trying to make people believe he is going to "fix" the assessment system. One of the biggest problems here in Allegheny County is Dan himself. Get rid of Dan and a lot of the problems automatically go with him.

Every politician who makes a claim in a campaign ad, should be made to put it in writing and list his game plan to deal with it!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


The election process is under way for the State of Pennsylvania Governor position. Jumping in ahead of the pack is none other than Dan, Dan, the tax 'em man.

Now he is running short campaign ads in which he tries to tell the citizens of PA just how great he thinks he is.

Sure he pays a company to make up his ads but if you listen closely, you will find there really isn't much that can be said in a positive light about him. Other than trying to compete for face time on tv, he's got nothing.

This guy is a political wannabe with dreams of going to the White House someday. Now that really is a scary thought.

The slogan for PA residents should be: JUST SAY NO TO ONORATO!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Dan's Dreamland

Dan Onorato believes all of the citizens are stupid! Why? Because Dan is an ego maniac. When he took office he brought with him a team of people to whom he gave an order. "Go forth and make me look good no matter what it takes or on whom yea shall tread!"

He made a sweep destroying much good that had been created throughout the County of Allegheny from within. His team of "tweedle dees and a tweedle dum" slowly eliminated key people who worked to protect the County citizens. He vowed he would show his face where ever he might gain a little publicity. The costs he caused the people of the County of Allegheny to bear were unjustified but as he stomped his foot, he declared "it shall be done"!

All of the Citizens of the County of Allegheny are now paying for Dan's childish attitude. He trashed the Assessment Department and fooled the Judge into allowing him three years for the corrections to be done in assessments. The real reason he needs the time is that the staff was all but wiped out and this way, the assessment problem will fall to his successor and he will be off the hook. Shame on the Judge for not seeing through this.

Attention communities that suffered flood damage in the past years. Did Dan do any of you any favors? No, all he did was mess with your tax base and then cost all of the County citizens more money trying to straighten out his mess. He thought he would look good.

Time and space do not allow for all the key points to be presented but one statement will surface to sum it all up.

Dan Onorato is a politician and anyone that believes in him should live in the "Land of Make-Believe" but not with Dan as the Governor of Pennsylvania!